
Attention All Sales People – Are you thinking positively?

Sales is about performance, and the high performers are those who have the mental strength and focus to be able to handle and manage the job at hand. That could mean prospecting, hitting targets or closing a deal. Either way, mindset and attitude are often what sets today’s sales elite apart from traditional sales professionals.

We don’t often give our mind the attention it deserves. Think of your mindset as something external, like an attractive piece of clothing. Like it or not, you’re wearing your mindset everyday, just like your clothes. It affects the way you behave. So would you rather people see a positive salesperson, or a negative one? It’s your mindset that drives behaviour – that’s what your customer sees in you.


1. Visualisation: Ever caught yourself imagining how well a meeting is going to go, or speaking aloud at conversations that haven’t happened? We all visualise in business – it helps us to prepare naturally for an event. However, like a muscle, you can develop this talent to become a stronger part of your routine. Just like an athlete, you can use visualisation to focus – to see and hear the kind of success levels that you want to achieve. What does success actually look like? Play it back in your mind and keep reminding yourself of it. Perhaps success has looked like increased profits and commission pay in the past, and that meant a weekend away or tickets to an exciting event. Be very specific.

2. Language: If you’re constantly using negative words to describe yourself, your company or your performance, that negativity will feed into your behaviour. Think of the most positive periods in your career and the kind of words you use to describe them. Make sure they are the words that enter your mind when you think about the work schedule you are facing and the challenges ahead.

You can switch your entire mindset and behaviour by changing the words you use to describe your life.


One of our advertising clients decided to hold a meeting for the eight members of its Board.They wanted to discuss the type of language they were using. They isolated the negative words they were using in front of their teams, and then made a list of more positive words. They all made a commitment to each other to try for one month to use these positive words and phrases in their conversations, emails and communication.

The results were really encouraging – not only did the mood of the place lift palpably, but the staff started to use more positive language as well! The advertising agency realised that positive language is infectious – as is the type of mood they generate, and now the Board meets more regularly to discuss how to sustain the new energetic culture.

So, remember, behave, think and talk the way you want your customers to see you. You’ll be surprised at the different it makes in your sales!

To find out more, fell free to give me a call on 0207 043 1582 and I’ll work with the Training Design Team on a workshop especially for you and your team’s mindset!

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